Friday, June 6, 2008

Software Development Tools - BioPAX Wiki

Software Development Tools - BioPAX Wiki

Protege [WWW] - The defacto standard for editing OWL. Written using the Jena framework. Warning: Protege uses the [WWW] DIG protocol to communicate with a reasoner. DIG is not able to fully represent OWL-DL ontologies and so conclusions of the reasoner are suspect when warnings about unsupported constructs are given in the reasoner progress window in Protege.

SWOOP [WWW] - A lightweight browser of OWL documents written using the OWL API library. Much faster than Protege. See their page on [WWW] debugging using SWOOP

SWeDE [WWW] - The Semantic Web Development Environment is an extensible framework for integrating new and existing tools for the Semantic Web. The toolkit, built on the Eclipse IDE includes an OWL editor with helpful features like syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and error-detection. It also currently integrates existing tools like the OWL Validator, Kazuki (OWL to Java code generator), and DumpOnt (Ontology Visualizer)..

[WWW] OWL Ontology HTML Presentation Service Drop in a URL of an OWL ontology and browse the ontology in html. Quick and Dirty.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Robert Price - What Is An RDF Triple?

Robert Price - What Is An RDF Triple?: "Shelley Powers, in her excellent book Practical RDF, helpfully describes triples as the following.

* Each RDF triple is made up of subject, predicate and object.
* Each RDF triple is a complete and unique fact.
* An RDF triple is a 3-tuple, which is made up of a subject, predicate and object - which are respectively a uriref or bnode; a uriref; and a uriref, bnode or literal.
* Each RDF triple can be joined with other RDF triples, but it still retains its own unique meaning, regardless of the complexity of the models in which it is included."

Robert Price - What Is An RDF Triple?

Robert Price - What Is An RDF Triple?